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Become a Tour Guide

You don't have to wear the red vest, just a smile! It's the one window we have to personally tell visitors why the windmill is so important and how it works. Becoming a volunteer tour guide for the windmill is a fun and easy way to support our organization any day of the week. Due to our limited staffing, our tours are by extension limited since giving a tour takes a staff member off the sales floor. If there isn't another associate present, this means that for several minutes we don't have a staff member providing customer service in the store and even potentially deterring theft. 

We do what we can to get tourists the information they need quickly, leaving plenty of potential for our tours to be more enriching and thorough experiences. We would love to be able to offer guided tours of the second floor and the grindstones, but we currently don't have that capacity. 

Giving tours is easy and enjoyable. Visitors still surprise us with new questions all of the time and no two tours are ever the same. If you're interested in becoming a volunteer tour guide and joining the frontlines of tourism on behalf of our community, please reach out. Very little training is required, only a passion for the windmill and the people who want to learn about it. 

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Visit the Danish Villages
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The Danish Mill Corporation (d/b/a Danish Windmill) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established in 1975. 

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